Work-based Learning in CVET
The Bonn Science Shop takes part in an international project focussed on the implementation of worked-based learning in CVET. The project is coordinated by the Government Office of Békés Country and funded by the European Union. The main aim of the two years project (01/12/2015 – 01/12/2017) is to develop in an international cooperation a complex methodology applicable in the CVET (continuing VET) of adults concerning work-based learning, based on Finnish, German and Italian models. In the context of the cooperation the international partnership implementing the project aims to develop a complex methodology that is going to be well applicable in each member country of the European Union, it is going to be in line with European Union efforts, and it will be worked out according to the quality requirements identified by the EQAVET working group.
The main target group of the project:
Professionals, managers and trainers of organisations dealing with CVET and employment of adults and professionals, managers and trainers of organisations responsible for work-based learning.
End users:
Unskilled and/or people with qualifications not demanded by the labour-market, job-seekers having no competences necessary for employment, as well as employed adults at a risk of becoming unemployed without training.
The main activities of the project:
- Foreign partner organisations developed their handbooks in a uniform system of criteria, including processes and best practices of work-based learning applied by them in the context of VET for adults.
- Conducting surveys to measure the impact of the project – among professionals of the training place and adult education institution, as well as training participants – at the beginning of the project and following the testing of the methodology. (May 2016 and June 2017).
a)The first survey is related to the assessement of the situation of controlling the incorporation of practical knowledge during the learning process.
b)In the second survey the measurement of changes occuring after trying out the method developed within the context of the project happens.
The results of the surveys are going to be recorded in a summary analysis. - The first version of the complex methodological handbook prior to testing has been developed by taking into account the Finnish, Italian and German methods, which include the processes and document patterns applied in the VET and CVET for adults and the building blocks of their quality organisation broken down into six building blocks identified by the EQAVET workgroup.
- The first multiplier event was held on 11th November 2016 at Békéscsaba with nearly 90 participants. Its aim was to introduce the draft of the newly developed complex methodological handbook prepared for testing for professionals responsible for VET in Békés County. Participants positively evaluated the usefulness and usability of the information and the quality of the event.
- The methodology is going to be tested in practice during March-April 2017. In order to test the methodology
a)in non-formal VET: a meat products manufacturing training organised by the KISOSZ adult education training institution - implemented at the Gyulahús Kft. practical training employer - is going to be realised, which is included in the National Qualifications Register and
b)in formal VET: it is going to be carried out in the context of a social worker and nurse training included in the National Qualifications Register at the Békés Megyei Hajnal István Szolgáltató Centrum practical training institution organised by the Gál Ferenc Főiskola Békési Szakképző Iskola, Gimnázium és Kollégium. - Preparing the final version of the methodological handbook is carried out in a cooperation within the international partnership, accepted by all partners – by taking into account the opinions, suggestions and testing experiences of foreign partner organisations and professionals involved in the VET for adults – until 30 September 2017.
- Organising multiplier events in Finland, Germany, Italy and Hungary during September - October 2017, in order to present and disseminate the results of the project.
- A final study is going to be prepared including the aims, activities, achieved results and the sustainability of the project.
As the main outcome of the project a complex methodology is going to be developed, which is new and unique on an European level, and by its introduction and application the transition between learning and work can be facilitated, and training completers can find employment easier, because their professional knowledge and key competences necessary for employment are better tailored to employers’ needs.
International researches indicate that the effective operation of work-based learning contributes significantly to the harmonisation of labour-market supply and demand, and to increased employment.
The methodology developed in the context of the project – to be tried out first in Békés County, Hungary – can be applied across Europe by those VET organisations and employers who would like to introduce work-based learning, as well as by those who would like to improve their work-based learning system.
On the basis of the discussion occurring during the partnership meeting held in January 2017 – with the participation of all partnership organisations – we prepared the second version of the complex methodological handbook.
Project flyer "Worked-based Learning in CVET"