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Unsere Themen

Labour Market

With the magazines of WILA labor market we inform graduates and academics about career fields and job vacancies. Through the courses of the education center we provide professional qualifications. Our projects offer career guidance particularly for young people.


In our educational projects, we e.g. train educators in the subject area ‘Environment’. An exciting access to these topics are offered by the Environmental Theater UNVERPRACKT. Playful education is also provided through our role plays and simulation games for teenagers.

Bonn local

The Green Playtown, the International Garden, the education center and the Application-Café have one thing in common: They are in Bonn. Many of our projects are aligned nationwide or internationally, but we also put ourselves out for our region.


Unsealing covered surfaces and planting greenery with native plants strengthens biodiversity. Replacing fossil fuels by renewable energy protects the climate. In various projects we create awareness of ecological contexts.

Civil Society

We not only want to transfer knowledge on how citizens can contribute to research or how participation works in cooperatives. Adults, teenagers and children should also learn ways to become involved and engaged for society.


Many social issues such as sustainability and networking of universities and citizens are also tackled outside of Germany. Together with other partners we cooperate in EU projects and engage in global education.

Renewable Energies

Our main focus in the field of renewable energy is on the vocational orientation. In our educational projects we explain e.g. children and adults how green technologies help to protect the climate.


Electrosmog (electromagnetic radiation), mold and harmful materials may affect health seriously. WILA Bonn helps with information, tips and measurement assessments and reports on these issues. In the field of nutrition, we run projects, which mainly address children and educators.