Online-Seminar: Inclusive and Authentic Leadership: Designing and maintaining authentic, diverse and efficient teams
In English
Zeitrahmen / Teilnahmegebühren
Di, 05.03.+Fr, 08.+Di, 12.+Fr, 15.03.2024, jeweils 14:00-18:00 Uhr/ Kosten Arbeitgeber: 390,- (Ermäßigter Preis für Privatzahlende, die es nicht als betriebliche Ausgaben geltend machen können: 290,-)
Inclusive organizational leadership and authentic diversity management are based on an empathetic, experience-oriented and at the same time scientifically based approach for organizations and society. “Inclusive Leadership” focuses on the diversity of groups and people and expands the participants' existing leadership skills. Inclusive leadership is a leadership approach that values diversity and welcomes and promotes individual contributions and committed participation of everyone in decision-making and change processes. Inclusive leaders are encouraged to consciously break down workplace barriers created by hierarchies, power imbalances and ideologies of superiority and inferiority to support people at risk of exclusion. They should be enabled (capability promotion/enabling approach) to participate comprehensively in organizational and social development.
The inclusive leadership approach is based (among other things), on the following development areas:
• Critical Self-Reflection
• Deep diversity
• Conscious and non-discriminatory use of power: role and effects of
(Unconscious) bias in the workplace
• Build and maintain relationships
• Initiating change
• Dealing with conflict triggers
• Bringing a shared vision to life and work
• The art of constructive feedback and facilitation
The workshop specifically supports the following points (among others):
• How trusting relationships can be designed as the basis for good teamwork
• How employees/team members can be effectively motivated and engaged
• How effective time management can be astablished to achieve organizational goals
• What happens to us in stressful situations, how to deal with power and how to gives constructive feedback at the right time
• Concept and strategy of inclusive leadership
• Levels of power
• Impact of prejudice and stereotypes on inclusive leadership
• Well-intentioned, but well-done? Modern and internalized forms of exclusion
• Emergence and consolidation of ideologies of superiority and inferiority
• Emotional intelligence, building trust and professional relationship management
• Allyship/ coalition building with the excluded, power sharing and empowerment
• Bias, Belonging (lived, positive affiliations) and Social Inclusion
• Case analyzes (Cases/Examples from the participants will be obtained by the facilitator in advance of the workshop through a preliminary questionnaire.)
• Alternative, inclusive behaviors and strategies
• Develop a personal and institutional action plan
• Networking and sustainability
• Self reflection
• technical inputs
• Individual, pair and small group work
• moderated exchange of experiences and suggestions for an authentic and creative approach to diversity in the workplace and in society.
Target group:
This workshop is aimed at participants
• who already are acquainted with the basics of diversity and anti-discrimination work
• who work as internal or external diversity or anti-discrimination trainers
• who already organize or want to organize and implement diversity training as part of their work as an external consultant/specialist/facilitator and manager in organizations/companies and would like to acquire the necessary skills
Abonnent*innen des WILA Arbeitsmarkt erhalten 10% Ermäßigung.
Amount of time in training hours: 16 Hours (spread over 4 weeks/4 hours per day)
We will use Zoom Meeting.
Wie funktioniert das Online-Seminar?
Wir arbeiten mit Zoom.
Wichtig ist, dass alle mit Kamera und Audio dabei sind, da es sich um ein interaktives Online-Seminar in einer überschaubaren Gruppe handelt.
Der Kursleiter (s.u.) Resource Person/Facilitator Dr. phil. Reddy is an educational scientist, lecturer, founder and managing director of the Center for Social Inclusion, Migration and Participation (ZSIMT/Bonn). He has several years of international professional experience as an expert, project manager, consultant, author and speaker in the areas of anti-bias education, diversity management in the non-profit sector and social participation. Besides the previous mentioned educational courses, he absolved this remarkeble training: Anima Inclusive Leadership Certificate: Navigating race, identity and power in the workplace. Read more about him
Dr. phil. Prasad Reddy, Erziehungswissenschaftler, Dozent, Gründer und Geschäftsführer des Zentrums für soziale Inklusion, Migration und Teilhabe (ZSIMT/Bonn), Weitere Infos:über-uns/
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Kurs-Nr.: 20241030
Bildungszentrum des Wissenschaftsladen e.V.,
Reuterstr. 157, 53113 Bonn
Tel.: 0228/20161-66
Fax: 0228/20161-11